Trends and predictors of nutritional deficiencies after bariatric surgeries: analysis of real-world data


Trends and predictors of nutritional deficiencies after bariatric surgeries: analysis of real-world data

Trends and predictors of nutritional deficiencies after bariatric surgeries: analysis of real-world data
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Nome da publicação: Trends and predictors of nutritional deficiencies after bariatric surgeries: analysis of real-world data

Autores: Djibril M. Ba, Antoinette Hu, Chan Shen, Douglas L. Leslie, Vernon M. Chinchilli, Ann M. Rogers, Laila Al-Shaar

Fonte: Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases

Publicado em: 2023

Tipo de arquivo: Artigo de periódico

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Bariatric surgery (BS) can lead to postoperative nutritional deficiencies (NDs) due to restrictive and malabsorptive mechanisms, but there is limited literature quantifying NDs’ prevalence over time and their predictors among patients undergoing BS. To characterize time trends and predictors of postoperative NDs. This retrospective cohort study used the U.S. IBM MarketScan commercial claims database (2005–2019) to include adults who underwent BS with continuous enrollment. BS included Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), sleeve gastrectomy (SG), adjustable gastric band (AGB), and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. NDs included protein malnutrition, deficiencies in vitamins D and B12, and anemia that may be related to NDs. Pre- and postoperative nutritional assessments are recommended for all patients undergoing BS to optimize postoperative outcomes.