The relationship between parent's self-reported exposure to food marketing and child and parental purchasing and consumption outcomes in five countries: findings from the International Food Policy Study


The relationship between parent’s self-reported exposure to food marketing and child and parental purchasing and consumption outcomes in five countries: findings from the International Food Policy Study

The relationship between parent’s self-reported exposure to food marketing and child and parental purchasing and consumption outcomes in five countries
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Nome da publicação: The relationship between parent’s self-reported exposure to food marketing and child and parental purchasing and consumption outcomes in five countries: findings from the International Food Policy Study

Autores: Julia Soares Guimarães, Elise Pauzé, Monique Potvin Kent, Simón Barquera, Alejandra Jáuregui, Gary Sacks, Lana Vanderlee, David Hammond

Fonte: Journal of Nutritional Science

Publicado em: 2023

Tipo de arquivo: Artigo de periódico

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Food and beverage marketing influences children's food preferences and dietary intake. Children's diets are also heavily influenced by their family environment. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between parent's self-reported exposure to unhealthy food marketing and a range of outcomes related to children's desire for and intake of unhealthy foods and beverages. The study also sought to examine whether these outcomes varied across different countries. The analysed data are from the International Food Policy Study and were collected in 2018 using an online survey. The sample included 5764 parents of children under 18, living in Australia, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, or the United States. Binary logistic regressions assessed the link between the number of parental exposure locations and children's requests for and parental purchases of unhealthy foods. Generalized ordinal regression gauged the relationship between the number of exposure locations and children's consumption of such items. Interaction terms tested if these associations varied by country. Parental exposure to unhealthy food marketing was positively associated with parents reporting child purchase requests and purchase outcomes; and differed by country. Increased parental exposure to unhealthy food marketing was associated with slightly lower odds of children's weekly consumption of unhealthy foods, and this association varied by country. In conclusion, parental report of a greater range of food marketing exposure was associated with a range of outcomes that would increase children's exposure to unhealthy food products or their marketing. Governments should consider developing more comprehensive restrictions on the marketing of unhealthy foods.