Perceptions of food environments in the school and at home during Covid-19: An online cross-sectional study of parents, teachers and experts from Latin America


Perceptions of food environments in the school and at home during Covid-19: An online cross-sectional study of parents, teachers and experts from Latin America

Perceptions of food environments in the school and at home during Covid-19: An online cross-sectional study of parents, teachers and experts from Latin America
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Nome da publicação: Perceptions of food environments in the school and at home during Covid-19: An online cross-sectional study of parents, teachers and experts from Latin America

Autores: Marcos Galván, Jhazmín Hernández-Cabrera, Guadalupe López-Rodríguez, Nelly Bustos, Rubén García-Cruz, Rebeca Guzmán-Saldaña, Teresita Alzate-Yepes, Oscar Galván-Valencia,Editor: Omnia Samir El Seifi


Publicado em: 2023

Tipo de arquivo: Artigo de periódico

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The high prevalence of overweight and obesity in children from Latin America (LA) have been related to obesogenic food environments. Besides, the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic should also be considered. The objective of this research was to describe and compare the perceptions of parents, teachers, and experts in LA of food environments at home and school that favor healthy habits in schoolchildren in pre Covid-19 stage and during the pandemic.