Development and testing of two tools to assess point-of-sale food and beverage marketing to children in restaurants


Development and testing of two tools to assess point-of-sale food and beverage marketing to children in restaurants

Development and testing of two tools to assess point-of-sale food and beverage marketing to children in restaurants
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Nome da publicação: Development and testing of two tools to assess point-of-sale food and beverage marketing to children in restaurants

Autores: Leia M Minaker, Patrycia Menko, David Olona

Fonte: Public Health Nutrition

Publicado em: 2024

Tipo de arquivo: Artigo de periódico

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To describe the development and testing of two assessment tools designed to assess exterior (including drive-thru) and interior food and beverage marketing in restaurants with a focus on marketing to children and teens. The tools assess restaurant food and beverage marketing. Both showed high inter-rater reliability and can be adapted to better suit other contexts.