Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and birth weight: a prospective cohort study


Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and birth weight: a prospective cohort study

Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and birth weight: a prospective cohort study
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Nome da publicação: Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and birth weight: a prospective cohort study

Autores: Tongtong Li, Yusa He, Nan Wang, Chengwu Feng, Puchen Zhou, Ye Qi, Zhengyuan Wang, Xiaojun Lin, Dou Mao, Zhuo Sun, Aili Sheng, Yang Su, Liping Shen, Fengchang Li, Xueying Cui, Changzheng Yuan, Liang Wang, Jiajie Zang, Geng Zong

Fonte: Nutrition Journal

Publicado em: 2024

Tipo de arquivo: Artigo de periódico

Tipo de estudo: Estudo observacional

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Existing data on maternal dietary patterns and birth weight remains limited and inconsistent, especially in non-Western populations. We aimed to examine the relationship between maternal dietary patterns and birth weight among a cohort of Chinese. Adherence to a plant-based diet high in carbohydrate intake was associated with higher macrosomia risk among Chinese women. Future studies are required to replicate these findings and explore the potential mechanisms involved.