Primary care perspectives on prescribing anti‐obesity medication for adolescents


Primary care perspectives on prescribing anti‐obesity medication for adolescents

Primary care perspectives on prescribing anti‐obesity medication for adolescents
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Nome da publicação: Primary care perspectives on prescribing anti‐obesity medication for adolescents

Autores: Rutha Chivate, Pamela Schoemer, Maya I. Ragavan, Kristin Ray, Megan O. Bensignor, Andrea B. Goldschmidt, Mary Ellen Vajravelu

Fonte: Pediatric Obesity

Publicado em: 2024

Tipo de arquivo: Artigo de periódico

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Recent pediatric guidelines recommend clinicians offer anti-obesity medication (AOM) as an adjunct to intensive lifestyle intervention. To investigate pediatricians' perspectives about prescribing AOM, including barriers and facilitators. Willingness to prescribe AOM was low and was associated with perceived practicality and appropriateness for patients.