Weight-centric prevention of cancer


Weight-centric prevention of cancer

Weight-centric prevention of cancer
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Nome da publicação: Weight-centric prevention of cancer

Autores: Diego Anazco, Andres Acosta, Elizabeth J. Cathcart-Rake, Stacy D. "DAndre", Maria D. Hurtado

Fuente: Obesity Pillars

Publicado en: 2024

Tipo de archivo: Artigo de periódico

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The link between excess adiposity and carcinogenesis has been well established for multiple malignancies, and cancer is one of the main contributors to obesity-related mortality. The potential role of different weight-loss interventions on cancer risk modification has been assessed, however, its clinical implications remain to be determined. In this clinical review, we present the data assessing the effect of weight loss interventions on cancer risk. Medical nutrition therapy, exercise, antiobesity medication, and bariatric interventions, might lead to a reduction in cancer risk through weight loss-dependent and independent factors. Further evidence is needed to better determine which population might benefit the most, and the amount of weight loss required to provide a clinically significant preventative effect.