The effects of hypothetical behavioral interventions on the 13-year incidence of overweight/obesity in children and adolescents


The effects of hypothetical behavioral interventions on the 13-year incidence of overweight/obesity in children and adolescents

The effects of hypothetical behavioral interventions on the 13-year incidence of overweight/obesity in children and adolescents
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Nome da publicação: The effects of hypothetical behavioral interventions on the 13-year incidence of overweight/obesity in children and adolescents

Autores: C. Börnhorst, I. Pigeot, S. De Henauw, A. Formisano, L. Lissner, D. Molnár, L. A. Moreno, M. Tornaritis, T. Veidebaum, T. Vrijkotte, V. Didelez, M. Wolters, on behalf of the GrowH! consortium

Fuente: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Publicado en: 2023

Tipo de archivo: Artigo de periódico

Tipo de estudio: Estudo observacional

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In view of the high burden of childhood overweight/obesity (OW/OB), it is important to identify targets for interventions that may have the greatest effects on preventing OW/OB in early life. Using methods of causal inference, we studied the effects of sustained behavioral interventions on the long-term risk of developing OW/OB based on a large European cohort. While the effects of single behavioral interventions sustained over 13 years were rather small, a joint intervention on multiple behaviors resulted in a relative reduction of the 13-year OW/OB risk by between 10 to 26%. Individually, meeting MVPA and screen time recommendations were most effective. Nevertheless, even under the joint intervention the absolute OW/OB risk remained at a high level of 25.4% suggesting that further strategies to better prevent OW/OB are required.