Correlates of physical activity enjoyment in children and adolescents for a new perspective on the treatment of overweight: A systematic literature review


Correlates of physical activity enjoyment in children and adolescents for a new perspective on the treatment of overweight: A systematic literature review

Correlates of physical activity enjoyment in children and adolescents for a new perspective on the treatment of overweight: A systematic literature review
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Nome da publicação: Correlates of physical activity enjoyment in children and adolescents for a new perspective on the treatment of overweight: A systematic literature review

Autores: Constanze Greule, Gorden Sudeck, Ansgar Thiel, Lydia Kastner, Pia Janßen, Andreas Nieß, Felicitas Rapp, Florian Junne, Inga Krauß

Fuente: Obesity Reviews

Publicado en: 2023

Tipo de archivo: Artigo de periódico

Tipo de estudio: Revisão

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The purpose of this systematic literature review was to systematically compile thestate of knowledge on correlates of physical activity enjoyment in children and ado-lescents to influence the perspective of future physical activity promotionapproaches especially for children and adolescents affected by overweight or obesity.The electronic database search was executed in the five databases PubMed, Psy-chINFO, SPORTDiscus, Web of Science, and BISp-SURF, from inception toDecember 6, 2021. A semi-quantitative method was used for summarizing theresulted correlates. For final analysis, 85 studies comprising 48,144 children and ado-lescents were included. Fifty-seven variables could be coded for their relationshipwith physical activity enjoyment. Of these, 12 psychological variables, for example,thebasic psychological needs,task orientation,orself-efficacy; six interpersonal vari-ables, for example,peer/group acceptance,parental support, andautonomy support;and one behavioral variable, thehigher self-reported physical activity, are consistentpositively associated to physical activity enjoyment. A scientifically based overviewcould be extracted for the promotion of physical activity enjoyment in children andadolescents. There is a gap in literature focusing the perception of physical activityenjoyment in the subgroup of children and adolescents affected by overweight orobesity. Therefore, recommendations were made to enable the development of fur-ther innovative research approaches in this population