Are U.S. food and beverage companies now advertising healthy products to children on television? An evaluation of improvements in industry self-regulation, 2017–2021


Are U.S. food and beverage companies now advertising healthy products to children on television? An evaluation of improvements in industry self-regulation, 2017–2021

Are U.S. food and beverage companies now advertising healthy products to children on television? An evaluation of improvements in industry self-regulation, 2017–20...
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Nome da publicação: Are U.S. food and beverage companies now advertising healthy products to children on television? An evaluation of improvements in industry self-regulation, 2017–2021

Autores: Melissa L. Jensen, Frances Fleming-Milici, Jennifer L. Harris

Fuente: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Publicado en: 2023

Tipo de archivo: Artigo de periódico

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Through the Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative (CFBAI), U.S. food companies pledge to only advertise healthier products in children’s television (TV) programming, but previous research shows that highly advertised products do not qualify as nutritious according to independent nutrition criteria. In 2020, the CFBAI implemented stricter nutrition criteria for products that may be advertised to children, but the potential impact of these changes has not been assessed. This observational study evaluates (1) improvements in energy and individual nutrient composition of products that companies indicated may be advertised to children (i.e., CFBAI-listed products) in 2020 versus 2017, (2) amount of advertising on children’s TV for CFBAI-listed versus other products in 2021, and 3) the nutrition quality of advertised versus non-advertised CFBAI-listed products.