Associations of ultraprocessed food consumption with mortality among participants with a history of cancer: a prospective cohort analysis


Associations of ultraprocessed food consumption with mortality among participants with a history of cancer: a prospective cohort analysis

Associations of ultraprocessed food consumption with mortality among participants with a history of cancer: a prospective cohort analysis
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Nome da publicação: Associations of ultraprocessed food consumption with mortality among participants with a history of cancer: a prospective cohort analysis

Autores: Yingying Zhao, Qian Wang, Weiyi Chen, Jia Li, Jing Yi, Xuemei Song, Yuxin Ni, Sijia Zhu, Zhihao Zhang, Shaofa Nie, Li Liu

Fuente: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Publicado en: 2024

Tipo de archivo: Artigo de periódico

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Although high ultraprocessed food (UPF) consumption has been linked with increased mortality risk in the general population, whether UPFs harm participants with a history of cancer remains unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the association of UPF consumption with mortality among participants with a history of cancer. Higher UPF consumption after the diagnosis among participants with a history of cancer is associated with higher risk of mortality.