Updates on rare genetic variants, genetic testing, and gene therapy in individuals with obesity


Updates on rare genetic variants, genetic testing, and gene therapy in individuals with obesity

Updates on rare genetic variants, genetic testing, and gene therapy in individuals with obesity
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Nome da publicação: Updates on rare genetic variants, genetic testing, and gene therapy in individuals with obesity

Autores: Michael V. Zuccaro, Charles A. LeDuc, Vidhu V. Thaker

Fuente: Current Obesity Reports

Publicado en: 2024

Tipo de archivo: Artigo de periódico

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The goal of this paper is to aggregate information on monogenic contributions to obesity in the past five years and to provide guidance for genetic testing in clinical care. While specific genetic mutations are rare, these segregate in individuals with early-onset severe obesity; thus, collectively genetic etiologies are not as rare. Some genetic conditions are amenable to targeted treatment. Research into the discovery of novel genetic causes as well as targeted treatment is growing over time. The utility of therapeutic strategies based on the genetic risk of obesity is an advancing frontier.