Relation between obesity and type 2 diabetes: evolutionary insights, perspectives and controversies


Relation between obesity and type 2 diabetes: evolutionary insights, perspectives and controversies

Relation between obesity and type 2 diabetes: evolutionary insights, perspectives and controversies
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Nome da publicação: Relation between obesity and type 2 diabetes: evolutionary insights, perspectives and controversies

Autores: Manoj Kumar Gupta, Gayatri Gouda, Ramakrishna Vadde

Fuente: Current Obesity Reports

Publicado en: 2024

Tipo de archivo: Artigo de periódico

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Since the mid-twentieth century, obesity and its related comorbidities, notably insulin resistance (IR) and type 2 diabetes (T2D), have surged. Nevertheless, their underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Evolutionary medicine (EM) sheds light on these issues by examining how evolutionary processes shape traits and diseases, offering insights for medical practice. This review summarizes the pathogenesis and genetics of obesity-related IR and T2D. Subsequently, delving into their evolutionary connections. Addressing limitations and proposing future research directions aims to enhance our understanding of these conditions, paving the way for improved treatments and prevention strategies.