Acceptability and feasibility of weight management programmes for adults with severe obesity: a qualitative systematic review


Acceptability and feasibility of weight management programmes for adults with severe obesity: a qualitative systematic review

Acceptability and feasibility of weight management programmes for adults with severe obesity: a qualitative systematic review
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Nome da publicação: Acceptability and feasibility of weight management programmes for adults with severe obesity: a qualitative systematic review

Autores: Zoë C Skea, Magaly Aceves-Martins, Clare Robertson, M De Bruin, Alison Avenell

Fuente: BMJ Open

Publicado en: 2019

Tipo de archivo: Artigo de periódico

Tipo de estudio: Revisão

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To improve our understanding of the acceptability of behavioural weight management programmes (WMPs) for adults with severe obesity. Although group-based interventions were favoured, people with severe obesity might be especially vulnerable to physical and mental comorbidities which could inhibit engagement with certain intervention components.