Use of digital tools for the assessment of food consumption in Brazil: a scoping review


Use of digital tools for the assessment of food consumption in Brazil: a scoping review

Use of digital tools for the assessment of food consumption in Brazil: a scoping review
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Publication sheet

Nome da publicação: Use of digital tools for the assessment of food consumption in Brazil: a scoping review

Authors: Adriane Dos Santos Da Silva, Flávia Dos Santos Barbosa Brito, Debora Martins Dos Santos, Amanda Rodrigues Amorim Adegboye

Source: Nutrients

Published in: 2024

File type: Artigo de periódico

Kind of study: Revisão

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This is a scoping review on mapping the use of digital tools to assess food consumption in Brazil. Searches were carried out in nine electronic databases (Medline, Lilacs, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, Science Direct, Ovid, Free Medical Journal and Crossref) to select studies published from October 2020 to December 2023. This review identified forty-eight digital tools in the 94 publications analyzed, the most frequent being web-based technologies (60%) and mobile devices (40%). Among these studies, 55% (n = 52) adopted a population-based approach, while 45% (n = 42) focused on specific regions. The predominant study design observed was cross-sectional (n = 63). A notable trend observed was the increasing frequency of validation studies in recent years. Although the use of digital tools in the assessment of food consumption in Brazil has grown in recent years, studies did not describe the process of creating and validating the tools, which would contribute to the improvement of data quality. Investments that allow the expansion of the use of the internet and mobile devices; the improvement of digital literacy; and the development of open-access tools, especially in the North and Northeast regions, are challenges that require a concerted effort towards providing equal opportunities, fostering encouragement, and delving deeper into the potential of digital tools within studies pertaining to food consumption in Brazil.