Genetics and epigenetics in obesity: what do we know so far?


Genetics and epigenetics in obesity: what do we know so far?

Genetics and epigenetics in obesity: what do we know so far?
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Publication sheet

Nome da publicação: Genetics and epigenetics in obesity: what do we know so far?

Authors: Maria Keller, Stina Ingrid Alice Svensson, Kerstin Rohde-Zimmermann, Peter Kovacs, Yvonne Böttcher

Source: Current Obesity Reports

Published in: 2023

File type: Artigo de periódico

Kind of study: Revisão

Link to the original


Enormous progress has been made in understanding the genetic architecture of obesity and the correlation of epigenetic marks with obesity and related traits. This review highlights current research and its challenges in genetics and epigenetics of obesity.