Binge-eating disorder interventions: review, current status, and implications


Binge-eating disorder interventions: review, current status, and implications

Binge-eating disorder interventions: review, current status, and implications
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Publication sheet

Nome da publicação: Binge-eating disorder interventions: review, current status, and implications

Authors: Carlos M. Grilo, Adrienne Juarascio

Source: Current Obesity Reports

Published in: 2023

File type: Artigo de periódico

Kind of study: Revisão

Link to the original


Binge-eating disorder (BED) is a serious psychiatric problem associated with substantial morbidity that, unfortunately, frequently goes unrecognized and untreated. This review summarizes the current status of behavioral, psychological, pharmacological, and combined treatments for BED in adults with a particular focus on recent findings and advances.